Ardentinny drop bannocks
1 egg a pinch of salt 1 pint milk oatmeal 1/4 tsp baking soda Beat the egg in a large bowl and stir in the milk. Mix in the baking soda, salt, and enough oatmeal to make a dropping batter. Now put the mixture in a jug. Rub the girdle...or frying pan, with fat and pour batter into small rounds. Cook over a moderate heat untill bubbles form on the surface, then turn and cook on the other side. Serve spread with butter and honey.
Pitcaithly bannocks
4ozs butter a pinch of salt 3ozs castor sugar 1 oz mixed peel or orange peel 6oz plain flour 1oz finely chopped blanched 1 oz rice flour almonds or ground rice cream butter and sugar thoroughly. Work in the flours and salt, then add the chopped mixed peel and almonds. Make into a cake about 1inch thick. Pinch the ends with finger and thumb. Place on a greased baking tray lined with greaseproof paper. Prick all over with a fork and bake in a moderate oven (350F to 375F) for 30 to 35 mins Cool on a wire rack.
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