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Dundee Marmalade

2 Ib. Seville or bitter oranges
2 lemons
8 c. water
4 Ib. preserving sugar
Wash oranges and lemons, put whole, into large saucepan or preserving pan.
Add water, cover, bring to boil, simmer 1 1/2 hours until fruit can be easily pierced.
When fruit is ready, remove, leave on plate to cool.
Slice to required thickness, remove pips (pits) and add to juice, boil 10 minutes, strain.
Add sliced fruit to juice, bring to boil, add sugar, stir over gentle heat until dissolved, Boil up rapidly without stirring for 1/2 hour or until setting point, about 220°F (108°C).
A small spoonful on a cold saucer will 'wrinkle' when tilted if marmalade is cooked enough.
Pour into warmed jars, cover immediately.
Makes about 4 Ib.

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